Preparation base based on special Acryl-siloxanic emulsions with high penetrating power. anchoring and reconsolidating in the preparation of the Acryl-siloxane line on internal and external surfaces. The small size of the binder particles give the product excellent penetration capacity in the substrate, allowing the reduction of water absorption and thus standardiding the absorption of the treated supports. It has excellent water-resistance characteristics, however, leaving the surface breathability unchanged. To be used on new or old walls, weak and inconsistent or not uniform in absorption as preparation of the base for the subsequent application of hydropaints of the Acryl-siloxanic line.
Colorless and folder colors
Tanica 5-10-20 LT
Usage: Indoor/outdoor
1 part of product and 2 parts of clean water
8-10 sqm/lt per hand of product, according to the absorption of the support
Anti-algae Acryl-siloxane coating for decoration and protection of internal and external surfaces of both new and old areas like lime base plasters and Cement, lime base, dehumidifiers, water repellent, mineral finishes, pre-mixed coat plasters, concrete, old coatings and synthetic paints, with a spatula or sponged finish. Safe inalterability to atmospheric agents and ultraviolet rays. It has characteristics of high breathability and at the same time characteristics of water repellency.
white and Color folder
Trunk 5-25 Kg
Ready to use
Granulometry:F <1,0 mm • G <1,5 mm •
M<1,2 mm • SG <2,0 mm