Acrylic mineral coating with quartz paste, for decoration and Protection of external and internal surfaces both new and old. based on lime and cement, water-repellent plasters, mineral finishes, coat system, premided coat plasters, stucco and concrete walls, old Coatings and synthetic paints, with spatula and sponged finish. It guarantees good breathability of the walls and excellent resistance to weather and alkali.
white and Color folder
25 Kg Barrel
Ready to use
Particle size:
Type F: 1.0 mm • Type M: 1.2 mm • Type G: 1.5 mm • SG Type: 2.0 mm
Type F 1.5-2.0 kg/MQ 1, 0mm • Type M 1.8-2.3 kg/MQ 1, 2mm • Type G 2, 0-2, 5 kg/MQ 1, 5 mm • Type SG 2, 5-3, 0 kg/sq. mm, size 2mm,0mm.
Overhead Rate. by Assorb. "W24" Capillary Water:
< 0.10 kg/(MQ * 24 h ½)
Resist. To the diffusion of the steam m equivalent "Sd":
= 0.60 m
Kuenzle theory "W * Sd":
< 0.06 kg/(MQ * 24 h ½)
Tested according to ETAG 004