Certification ANAB-ICEA N ° EDIL 2016_003 - Products for Bio-building was obtained in 2016 and is issued in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 14024 Standards, type I environmental labelling, at the end of a process that includes the following steps:
1. Initial evaluation of the products and execution of the tests
At this stage it is verified that each product for which certification is required:
- performs as described;
- does not contain substances that are dangerous for humans or the environment;
- is principally comprised of easily-renewable raw and secondary materials;
- is optimised throughout its life cycle from an environmental point of view;
- These tests are conducted by qualified laboratories and selected by ICEA based on their specialisation and professionalism.
2. Evaluation of the Product Life Cycle
The Life Cycle Evaluation of an Eco-Building aims to:
- Define the environmental profile of the product;
- Identify the most critical areas within its life cycle;
- Identify potential improvements (reduction of resource consumption, emissions into air and water and waste generation);
- Provide benchmarks with similar and alternative products whenever possible.
- Applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology according to ISO 14040, the environmental profile of the product is drawn up through which the flows of matter and energy identified throughout the life cycle of the product are ordered, classified and aggregated into different categories of environmental impact, also called aggregated impact indicators.
3. On-site inspections
The audit at the production plant is aimed at ascertaining the correct management of manufacturing processes, as well as evaluating the efficiency of processes and practices that may have an impact on the environment or on the health and safety of workers.