Newfoundland mineral coating based on hydraulic binders, coloured with inorganic pigments and coloured Earths with a nuved effect, suitable for the finishing of internal and external surfaces with sponge finish or with plastic spatula. For the decoration and protection of internal and external surfaces of any type of building, in particular those of historical and architectural interest thanks to its ancient effect, to be applied by hand with the obtaining of a hydrofugo mineral coating, Pigmented with inorganic pigments and coloured Earths, of excellent quality. To be applied on premised plasters and traditional new and old lime and cement, plasters based natural hydraulic lime, restoration plasters, lightened heat-insulating plasters, old mineral coatings, even on walls of
Reinforced concrete by hand application.
25 kg sacks-70 sacks-17.50 QL footboards
Folder Colors
Type F/M/SF: sponged or Counterbore • STROLL type: Have strolled • MED type: Rustic Mediterranean
Particle size:
Type F: ≤ 0.6 mm • Type M/SF/STROLL/MED: ≤ 1.3
Type F: 3/4 kg/MQ • Type M/SF/STROLL/MED: 4/5 kg/sqm for 2 hands
Overhead Rate. of resistance to vapour passage EN 1015-19: type F: μ ≤ 6
Type M/SF/STROLL/MED: μ ≤ 7
Capillary water absorption EN 1015-18:
Class "W1"
Thermal conductivity EN 1745 λ10, dry, mat:
Type F = 0.35 w/mk • Type M = 0.39 w/mk • Type SF/STROLL/MED = 0.43 w/mk
Minimum order 5 QL